Water Quality Personnel
Randall Blanchette, PE Assistant Director

Water quality requires continual care. Utility Operations are responsible for maintaining and improving the City’s water and wastewater systems. Every month, we conduct tests throughout the City for contaminants that may in some way affect our water supply. We are proud to note that our system consistently meets all current government standards.

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You may check to see if your property requires flood insurance under the current FEMA Maps by accessing the Broward County Website and follow the directions.

Hydrant Flushing

The City has an ongoing Hydrant Flushing Program that assures our fire hydrants are in good working order. Continue reading to learn more.

Have you ever been driving in your car and noticed a City worker standing by a fire hydrant with water gushing out?  Have you ever wondered why they're "wasting" so much water? There are good reasons for this activity. The workers you see are hydrant flushing to maintain the safest and highest quality of water possible. The City of Coconut Creek flushes fire hydrants throughout the service area only when required. This program samples and tests the water in the distribution system and identifies when water main flushing is needed.

Hydrant Flushing serves the following purposes:

  • Improves water quality in the distribution system
  • Verifies the proper operation of fire hydrants and valves
  • Helps find weakness in the water system
  • Checks closed valves and weak flows in the water mains
  • Verifies adequate fire flows for firefighting

Flushing fire hydrants is one of the most important maintenance practices that can be performed on a water distribution system. The time involved in flushing can vary from a few minutes to several hours depending on the circumstances. If you see hydrant flushing crews working in the area please drive carefully and treat them like any other road construction crew.

What do I do during or after hydrant flushing?
Avoid running tap water and using the washing machine or the dishwasher until the flushing is finished. If tap water is used during flushing, it could come out full of sediment that causes discoloration. If you encounter discolored water, shut the water off and wait several minutes. After waiting, check the clarity by running cold water for a few minutes, allowing new water to work its way into your pipes. If the water is clear, it's OK to use. If not, wait a few minutes and check again. There is no health hazard associated with discolored water. In some cases, there may be a slight discoloration for a few hours.

Why can't City residents reuse this water?
This question is a little more complicated. We have received numerous ideas. For example, filling City tankers with water from hydrant flushing. We have, in fact, been working on this concept for quite some time. However, it is difficult to anticipate where flushing will be required and for how long, which makes scheduling a challenge. Unfortunately, we can not move enough water through a hydrant meter into a truck to make a big difference in water quality. Hydrant flushing requires a water flow of up to 1,300 gallons per minute in order to move all of the water in a water main to adequately flush the system. Filling up tanker trucks with water from hydrant flushing would cause too many interruptions in the flow that could compromise the integrity of the water distribution system.

Backflow Prevention

What is backflow?

Backflow is a condition that occurs when a severe change in pressure within the water distribution system causes water to flow in the opposite direction of its normal flow.  Backflow could allow contaminants to enter our drinking water system through cross connections.

What is a Backflow Preventer/Backflow Prevention Assembly?

A backflow preventer or backflow prevention assembly (BPA) is a mechanism designed to prevent backflow by providing a physical barrier between the drinking water system and potential contamination sources.  For a backflow preventer to provide proper protection, it must be designed for the degree of hazard, installed correctly, tested annually by a state certified tester, and repaired as necessary.

Backflow by meter box

A backflow preventer beside a water meter box.

Why do Backflow Prevention Assemblies (BPAs) have to be tested annually?

All backflow preventers have internal seals, springs, and moving parts that are subject to fouling, wear, or fatigue, and have to be tested periodically to ensure that they are functioning properly.

Note: The City of Coconut Creek performs all Backflow Prevention Assembly (BPA) testing and certification within the City through a City approved vendor, HydroCorp, Inc. The City currently charges an annual fee to all owners of BPAs for this service. This fee includes recertification testing. Please do not initiate BPA testing as HydroCorp, Inc. is now responsible for the testing. If you have any questions regarding this please email Alicia Copeland, Project Coordinator.

Who is required to have a Backflow Prevention Assembly?

Per City Code of Ordinances, the following facilities are required to have and maintain Backflow Prevention Assemblies:

  • All commercial facilities
  • Irrigation & Fire Protection Systems served by a meter
  • All buildings served by master meters, including, but not limited to multi-family buildings, multi-story buildings, and mobile home parks
Where Are Cross Connections Found?

Cross connections are found in all plumbing systems.  It is important that each cross connection is evaluated and identified as to what type of backflow protection is required to protect the the drinking water supply. Some plumbing fixtures have built-in backflow protection in the form of a physical air gap. However, most cross connections will need to be controlled through the installation of an approved mechanical backflow prevention device or assembly. Some common cross connections found in plumbing and water systems include:

  • Wash basins & service sinks
  • Hose bibs - irrigation sprinkler systems
  • Auxilary water supplies
  • Photo development equipment
  • Boilers - swimming pools
  • Solar heating systems
  • Fire sprinkler systems
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Cross-Connection Device

Cross-connection Device

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