
Water Conservation

Broward Water Partnership
Broward County Irrigation Rebate

We’ve gotten so lucky this winter – chilly nights, sunny days, cool breezes. But, you may have noticed it hasn’t rained much. That means more drinking water keeping our plants hydrated and happy. On top of that, most of us are spending more time at home. This leads to more toilet flushes, more dishes washed, more water down the drain… all equaling higher utility bills! Luckily, the City of Coconut Creek and the Broward Water Partnership are here to remind you of ways to save and protect our water resources during the dry season:

  • Replace old, inefficient toilets with new high-efficiency models. You could be eligible for a $125 rebate! ConservationPays.com
  • Installing water saving showerheads and aerators (psst –Coconut Creek offers these for free!) Call 954-973-6732
  • Following year-round irrigation restrictions and watering your lawn on the proper days. Broward.org Irrigation Restrictions

You can keep your lucky streak going by making these changes, saving you water and money. What are you waiting for? Start saving today!

Water is a shared resource that interconnects the environment, economy and our quality of life in South Florida. Just as abundant water gives vitality to the region, a lack of water strains natural resources, stifles economic growth and periodically disrupts our daily routines. As Florida's population increases, so does the need to conserve. Read more about water restrictions.

Additional Tips:
Watering lawns should be based on its actual needs and following the year-round landscape irrigation water conservation measures and/or local ordinances. Read more about current irrigation restrictions.

Toilet Replacement Rebates Available
The City has joined with 17 other local governments and water utilities to become a member of the Broward Water Partnership's Water Conservation and Incentives program referred to as "Conservation Pays" providing rebates, and free water-conserving devices to qualifying water customers.

Butterfly Capital of the World

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