Floodplain Personnel
Eileen Cabrera, EI Senior Engineer
Alicia Copeland Project Coordinator

Floodplain Information

  • Floods are the most common hazard in the US.
  • Most homeowners' insurance does not cover flood damage.
  • All structures located in a flood hazard zone funded through a federally backed mortgage or loan as well as most private, are required to have flood insurance.

The City of Coconut Creek participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), a Federal program that allows property owners to purchase insurance protection against losses from flooding. Under the National Flood Insurance Act (42 U.S.C. 4001 et.seq.) federally supervised, approved, regulated or insured financial institutions must require flood insurance as a condition of making, increasing, extending or renewing loans on improved real estate property or mobile homes located in identified special flood hazard areas. This applies to conventional home mortgage loans, home improvement loans, construction loans, and commercial loans. There is a 30-day waiting period before NFIP coverage takes effect.

The City of Coconut Creek has adopted many of the practices, recommended by the NFIP and is rated a 7 through the Community Rating System (CRS). As a result, City of Coconut Creek homeowners are entitled to a discount on flood insurance of 15% in Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and 5% outside of SFHA.

Individuals may check to see if their property requires flood insurance under the current FEMA Maps by accessing the Broward County Website here . Follow the directions listed and insert your address where indicated, a pop-up screen will appear with the information.

Federal flood insurance protects homes, businesses, and belongings from damage caused by flooding. It covers:
  • Structural elements, including walls, floors, equipment and fixtures.
  • Contents such as furniture, appliances and carpeting.
  • Personal items like clothing and electronics (TV, computer, etc.)

Learn more through the following FEMA resources: Homeowner's Guide to Retrofitting: Six Ways to Protect Your Home from Flooding".

How do I know if my property is located in the floodplain?

Your property's floodplain determination is based on the most recent Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The FIRM is the official map of a community where FEMA has delineated the special hazard areas applicable to the community.

The most recent FIRM's were issued for the City of Coconut Creek on August 18, 2014. Many areas of the City have changed designations. To confirm your flood zone, call the Utilities & Engineering Department, 954-973-6786.

Additional Flood Safety Information
  • Do not drive through flooded areas.
  • Tips on what to do before, during and after a storm can be found on the City's Hurricane Information home page.
  • The City offers CocoALERT, a free automated phone message system, to inform participating residents in targeted areas of threats including flooding.
  • Plan & practice evacuation routes. Your plan should include the safest route to where you plan to ride out the flood/storm, public shelters, or evacuation routes out of the area.
  • Have emergency supplies on hand: First aid kit & essential medications, canned foods, bottled water, cooking equipment, battery operated radio, flashlight, extra batteries, personal hygiene items, cash & credit cards.
  • Coconut Creek has adopted regulations concerning floodplain development. These control the alteration of natural floodplains, prevent or regulate the construction of flood barriers which may unnaturally divert floodwaters, increasing flood hazards in other areas. Contact the Coconut Creek Building Division at 954-973-6750 or Engineering Division at 954-973-6786 for information on securing appropriate permits prior commencing any site development or construction work or to report illegal floodplain development.
  • When portions of floodplains are preserved in (or restored to) their natural state, they provide many benefits to both humans & natural systems. The City adopted and adheres to the FS403.413-prohibiting dumping litter in any manner and City Ordinance Sec. 17-23 prohibits pollution of waterways.

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