
Pass Up Plastics

Take the Coconut Creek Pledge!

The City of Coconut Creek is committed to creating and maintaining a sustainable environment. Reducing waste of single-use plastics, not only have a positive effect on our local community but our global community as well. Discarded plastic items create litter which finds its way into our storm drains and waterways threatening our stormwater management systems and our beloved wildlife.

Pass Up Plastics
is a community-wide initiative to reduce the use of single-use plastic items like bags, beverage bottles, takeout containers, straws, and utensils. Plastics do not biodegrade but rather slowly break down into smaller pieces of plastic called microplastics. It can take up to hundreds of years for plastic products to decompose, so pledge to Pass Up Plastics today, and create a sustainable environment for tomorrow.

The Plastic Problem

Plastics are the most common type of debris found in our beaches, oceans, and waterways. The volume of plastic in our oceans is projected to out-weigh marine life by 2050. Often mistaken as food by fish and birds, plastic threatens the health of marine habitats and wildlife.

How many plastics can you pass up by refusing, reusing or choosing alternatives?

  • Plastic Bags
  • Plastic Straws
  • Plastic Cups & Bottles
  • Plastic Utensils/Cutlery



Plastics Lifespans

Source: WWF.org.au (World Wildlife Fund Austrailia)


Butterfly Capital of the World

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