
Coco Biz

The City of Coconut Creek is committed to supporting and growing our small business community. We recently granted financial support to small businesses through the Butterfly Relief Grant to address their needs during the unprecedented pandemic. In addition to financial assistance, the City is committed to assisting in other ways to support economic development, including Chamber Memberships to encourage network building and educational opportunities. These efforts will assist in sustaining these businesses and the development of strategic relationships. 

Recognizing both our responsibility to our business community and their needs, the City hosted a Small Business Academy - Speed Learning Program designed to address trending issues and to foster mutually beneficial relationships to support local businesses. Coconut Creek is fortunate to have a level of expertise in fostering our business community through our Chamber of Commerce, and for that reason, the Small Business Speed Learning Program has been developed and implemented in conjunction with the Coral Springs Coconut Creek Regional Chamber of Commerce and our named sponsor, JA World Huizenga Center, Lillian S. Wells Pavilion. 

The City surveyed the business community to determine the topics most important and relevant to our small business community. There was an overwhelming consensus and an exciting list of speakers were arranged cover the topics. Click the topic to review the presentation.

SBA Marketing and Branding (Roly Rodriguez & Richard McCulloch)

Butterfly Capital of the World

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