
Child Water Safety

In South Florida, water is part of life

With pools, lakes, canals and oceans everywhere you turn, there’s no shortage of the wet stuff. Yet, while it can provide for hours of entertainment, water can also be a real drowning danger for children.

The men and women of the Coconut Creek Police Department are committed to keeping children safe. Fortunately, drowning deaths are preventable. By following these water safety tips, we can all do our part to keep our kids safe.

Did You Know?

  • Drowning is the leading cause of death for children under four years old in Broward County and the U.S.
  • Most child drowning victims walked out of their home through a sliding glass door.
  • The majority of drownings occur in residential pools while children are unattended.
  • It takes as little as 20 seconds and two inches of water for a child to drown.
  • Even if the little ones know how to swim, they can drown in nearly any body of water — even a bucket.


  • If a child is missing, check the water first.
  • Provide constant, close, and competent adult supervision of children, at all times, in or near the water.
  • Install a self-closing gate around the pool.
  • Childproof locks on all doors leading to the water.
  • Alarm every door leading to water to alert you if a child has gone outside.
  • Enroll your child in swim lessons.
  • Remove any toys that may attract children to the pool area.
  • Install a pool cover to securely cover the water area.
  • Do not rely on flotation devices to protect your children in the water.
  • Empty all tubs, buckets, containers, and wading pools immediately after use.
  • Keep a phone and rescue equipment poolside.
  • Learn how to perform rescue breathing and CPR.

If you would like a representative from the Coconut Creek Police Department to speak to your community or organization about child water safety, call (954) 973-6700 to schedule an appointment.

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