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Creek Sports

The City of Coconut Creek is proud to offer sports programs that enable our youth to learn sports fundamentals, compete in leagues and tournaments, and participate in team-building events. These programs are a great way to develop a positive attitude, establish a healthy, active lifestyle, and make new friends while learning the value of sportsmanship.






Toddler Sports


Flag Football

Pee Wee Sports

To qualify as a Coconut Creek resident, the following must be provided:

  • State-issued driver’s license or valid passport for identification
  • And one of the following as proof of Coconut Creek residency: valid voter’s registration card, water bill, cable bill, or electric bill
  • Bills cannot be more than two months older than the date on which they are submitted as proof of residency

Volunteer coaches needed - Call 954-956-1580 or 954-545-6670

  • Application and background screening with fingerprinting required

Butterfly Capital of the World

© 2025 City of Coconut Creek. All rights reserved. Butterfly and Coconut Creek emblem are registered trademark of the City of Coconut Creek. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.