Brian Blizzard (Retired)

Deputy Fire Chief
Brian Blizzard - Deputy Fire Chief

The Red Honor Series for the staff of the newly formed Coconut Creek Fire Rescue has officially begun. The first new member that we have the privilege of highlighting is Assistant Fire Chief Brian Blizzard.

Brian has over 35 years of experience in emergency services.

Originally from Ft. Lauderdale and Plantation for more than 20 years, he began his career in emergency services in 1986 as a volunteer firefighter with the Plantation Fire Department and he also worked for an ambulance service that provided emergent transport for Broward County EMS. “I still have my faded volunteer training certificate that I received from Plantation back in 1986. Throughout my career I would look upon that certificate to reflect and remind myself of where I have been. I am very proud of that one certificate because it set me on my professional path to where I am today” 

In 1991 he was hired by the St. Lucie County Fire District as a paramedic firefighter, where he completed over 30 years of service, finishing as the Assistant Fire Chief, responsible for over 450 firefighters and civilians.

“I have always believed that education is paramount and that today’s fire service demands it.” Chief Blizzard has a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Nova Southeastern University and a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management from Warner University. He is also a graduate of the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program (EFOP). Chief Blizzard is credentialed and designated as a Chief Fire Officer (CFO) by the Center for Public Safety Excellence Commission on Fire Accreditation International.

Chief Blizzard is married to his wife Shari for over 28 years and they have three children, Austin, Lexi and Jake. He enjoys spending time with his family, fishing, diving, boating, and camping.

“I am so thankful for this once in a lifetime opportunity to serve the citizens and visitors of Coconut Creek. I am extremely excited about what the future holds for Coconut Creek Fire Rescue and the City of Coconut Creek.  To be a part of this family is a tremendous honor.”

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