Ashley Corey

Driver / Engineer
Ashley-Corey - Driver / Engineer

Meet Driver Engineer Ashley Corey of the Coconut Creek Fire Rescue Department.

After graduating from UCF in 2001, Ashley was employed with Coconut Creek’s Parks and Recreation Department. It was during that time that she became passionate about serving the community. Her drive to serve others is what led her to become a Fire Fighter. She joined the Coral Springs Fire Academy in 2002 and was hired by Oakland Park Fire Rescue in 2003, where she served for 18 years. Last fall she was hired by Coconut Creek Fire Rescue to help launch the new department. If you recognize her last name, perhaps it’s because her husband, Clint Corey, has been serving the residents of Coconut Creek as a Police Officer and Detective in the Coconut Creek Police Department for almost 20 years.

“Everyone is community oriented here. People seem to always be cheering on the first responders. It’s truly an honor to serve here.” - Ashley

We’re glad we get to cheer you on, Ashley! Thank you for serving the residents of Coconut Creek.

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