Albert Fambrough

Firefighter / Paramedic
Albert Fambrough - Firefighter / Paramedic

Meet Fire Fighter Paramedic Albert Fambrough. He is this week’s Red Honor Spotlight.

Albert grew up on a farm in Kentucky. His family raised thoroughbreds for horse racing. Growing up he knew he would eventual break away from the family trade. He had his sights sets on the military after high school. He joined the military in 2005 and trained as a Calvary Scout at Fort Benning. After completing his One Station Unit Training, he volunteered to go to Alaska and enlist in Airborne School. He graduated and became part of the Airborne 4th Brigade 25th Infantry Division.

Shortly after leaving the military, he found himself missing the brotherhood and support system that comes along with serving in the military. He found that brotherhood in the Fire House. Today he serves as Firefighter Paramedic for the Coconut Creek Fire Rescue Department and counts every second a blessing.

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