Water Services

The City purchases water in bulk at wholesale prices from Broward County and subsequently sells the water to our customers at a lower cost than they would pay if the services were purchased directly from the County. In addition, the City invests in constructing, maintaining, and rehabilitating its infrastructure to ensure that all water and wastewater services are delivered in a safe, efficient, and cost effective manner.

Notice: Expect Utility Crew Activity Around Water Meter Boxes. South Creek residents may notice DEES Utility crew activity around their water meter boxes and up to the house. Crews are conducting a survey to identify the materials of all water service lines, as required by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency. In December 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised a Lead and Copper Rule requiring all public utilities to develop a comprehensive water supply line inventory. All Water Utilities are required to review their entire system and identify the service lines constructed material for all properties – both the utility-owned service lines (from the water main to the water meter) as well as privately-owned lines (from water meter to the shut-off valve) by October 2024. This ongoing survey project will provide better documentation of all systems in place, provide more information to the public and more efficiently plan for replacements, where needed. To comply with this new federal regulation and meet all deadlines, the Department of Environmental & Engineering Services (DEES) utility service crews will continue to collect data within the entire service area, including the City of Margate and a portion of Coconut Creek that Margate services. Data collection methods include visual verification of pipe material through service line inspections at the house valve or entry point, meter box inspections, or potholing on both sides of the meter box. Please note that these methods do not require any water service interruptions and will not affect any property’s landscaping, sidewalks, or driveways. For more information, please call the Department of Environmental & Engineering Services (DEES) at 954-972-0828.

Water Bill Calculator

Conserve and Save Water

See how a change in consumption affects your billed charges. Begin by accessing your account online, then navigating to the Water Bill Calculator at the bottom of your account screen. Enter consumption amount (per 1,000) to view an example of your bill.

Butterfly Capital of the World

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