
The City is a leader in sustainability and will address issues of environmental preservation and climate change in all areas of service. The City will protect open space and natural areas and will promote sustainable practices within the community. Programs, projects, and services will be developed with sustainability in mind.

Having a sustainable environment means:

  • Creating and preserving opportunities and land where residents can readily access nature
  • Continuing a strong focus on exceptional natural resource stewardship and ecologically sound and sustainable operations
  • Addressing abrupt and long-term climate changes increasing business risk to supply chains, infrastructure, and facilities
  • Protecting and improving the quality of air, water, and night skies
  • Conserving resources, including energy and water, and cultivating a healthy ecosystem
  • Careful stewardship of, and access to, open lands and natural areas
  • A comprehensive and connected system of natural areas and open space
  • Partnerships with local, regional, state, and national affiliates to achieve desired goals and outcomes
  • Integrating renewable energy technologies for the electric grid
  • Solid waste reduction and diversion
  • Promoting the use of sustainable building and site design techniques

Strategic Goals

  1. Protect open space
  2. Encourage businesses and community members to adopt green initiatives
  3. Plan ahead for progressive technologies and business methods
  4. Focus on climate change and resilience
  5. Update and accomplish the goals established in the City of Coconut Creek Green Plan
2023 Accomplishments
Continued to monitor solid waste disposal issues within Broward County and work with the Solid Waste Working Group and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to create a comprehensive solid waste system for Broward County.
Payroll has enrolled in the IRS Electronic Federal Tax Payment System.
Currently, the utility billing online payment utilization has increased by 11% and is ahead of target for FY23.
Implemented technology resources to further streamline processes and reduce paper.
Environmental/sustainable educational public interest programs were implemented in April, May, and July. There are also scheduled throughout the year.
The City actively promotes the utilization of recyclable products/materials at City events.
APP Armor was launched March 2023. It currently has 1,912 downloads.
The City completed a vulnerability study and will identify City’s code sections to be revised in an effort to support the County’s resiliency efforts.
Began to implement net zero emissions policy for race to zero carbon neutral policies.

Butterfly Capital of the World

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