Adaptable and Progressive Mobility

The City will plan for multimodal mobility options that are safe, accessible, dependable, technologically advanced, and well maintained.

Having adaptable and progressive mobility in the City means:

  • Vital and appealing transit-oriented activity centers and destinations throughout the City
  • Integrated land use and transportation planning and investments
  • Transportation facilities and networks that are reliable, affordable, efficient, connected and comfortable
  • Capacity and systems for effective traffic flow with minimal congestion
  • Technology that facilitate well-informed decisions
  • Growing and leveraging changing transportation technologies

Strategic Goals

  • Expand safe and walkable/bikeable options across the community
  • Plan for transportation technology
    1. Charging stations
    2. Ride-Share
    3. Fiber optics
    4. Transportation Apps
  • Increase public transportation opportunities
  • Invest in maintenance of all mobility systems
2023 Accomplishments
Development of Coconut Creek's Transit Master Plan.
Installation of electric vehicle charging stations for City vehicles.
Integrated 3 electric vehicles into City fleet.
Comprehensive Street Improvement Program Phase II.

Butterfly Capital of the World

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