By submitting information on this form, you are agreeing, without compensation, to be included as a U.S. military veteran on Coconut Creek's Virtual Veteran's Wall. The soldier's name, military branch, and likeness shall be displayed on this webpage, and may be published on social media posts, City publications, street banners, and/or Veteran's Park banners. All veterans displayed on the Virtual Wall must reside or have resided in the City of Coconut Creek.

Veteran's Recognition Registration

If family member or friend submitting on behalf of a veteran, please include the following information:

Please click on checkbox if you have consent from the veteran to submit their information on their behalf.

Please check the U.S. military branch(es) served:

Please email photo of veteran to:

Butterfly Capital of the World

© 2025 City of Coconut Creek. All rights reserved. Butterfly and Coconut Creek emblem are registered trademark of the City of Coconut Creek. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.