March 11, 2025, Municipal Election Information
A Municipal Election will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, to elect City Commission members to Districts B, C, and E, for a four-year term of office ending in March 2029.
Click here to view the current list of those who qualified for the March 11, 2025 City of Coconut Creek Municipal Election.

Deadline to Register (Book Closing): February 10, 2025
Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Deadline: February 27, 2025
The deadline to request that a vote-by-mail ballot be mailed is no later than 5:00 p.m. (local time) on the 12th day before the election.
Early voting will not be available for the municipal elections.
Voting in the City is at large, which means that all qualified voters of the City whose names appear in the Broward County Supervisor of Elections registration books are eligible to vote.
Vote-By-Mail voting will be permitted through the Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office, and completed Vote-By-Mail ballots must be received at their office. Please click on the "Vote-By-Mail" button for more information.
Changes in Florida voting law have required a hard reset of vote-by-mail enrollment after the November 2022 General Election, which means that every vote-by-mail request on file with the county Supervisor of Elections office would only be valid for one general election cycle. In the 2024 November General Election, more than 3 million Florida voters voted by mail, out of over 3.5 million Florida voters who had requested a mail ballot. Florida law will now require another hard reset on December 31, 2024, and every voter wishing to vote by mail in elections happening between January 1, 2025, and December 31, 2026, will have to make sure they request their ballot ahead of the applicable deadline: by 5 p.m. 12 days before election day in the election they plan to vote in. One request can be valid for all elections in the cycle if the voter chooses this option. If you want to continue voting by mail, please submit your request today. Registered voters can visit to request a Vote-By-Mail Ballot.
The Qualifying Period for the March 11, 2025 City of Coconut Creek Municipal Election closed at noon on Thursday, January 9, 2025.