
City Boards and Committees

Applications for appointment to the Charter Review Board are now closed.

Appointments will take place at the January 9, 2025, Regular Commission Meeting, which begins at 7:00 PM in the Commission Chambers located at 4800 West Copans Road, Coconut Creek, Florida.

Following Board Appointments, the first meeting of the Charter Review Board will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 6:00 PM in the Commission Chambers.

For further information, or if you require assistance related to board appointments or meetings, please contact the City Clerk Department at 954-973-6774 or by email at cityclerk@coconutcreek.net.


Sec. 2-191. - Authority of city commission to appoint board members; term of office of board members.

The city commission shall have the authority by majority vote to appoint members of the various city boards. Any resident or business owner of the city is eligible for board membership in accordance with City Charter Article V, Section 501.  No person shall hold at the same time more than one board appointment.  All voting board members must be a minimum of 18 years of age and: (1) a resident of the city; or (2) the owner of a business with a physical location within the City and a business tax receipt issued by the city for operation at that city location.

I. ANNUALLY APPOINTED BOARDS (April of each year) 

PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (next appointments are in April 2025)
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is comprised of five regular members and one alternate member who serve a one-year term. The functions of the Board include acting in an advisory capacity to the city commission by reviewing and evaluating proposals to use, change, or create parks and recreational facilities; assist with review and development of long-range plans for new and/or improved recreational equipment and facilities; working to stimulate great community awareness and encourage resident use of parks, recreation programs and services, greenways/trails, and recreation facilities; serving as a public forum for the discussion of the creation, operation and maintenance of proposed and existing city parks and recreational facilities; assisting the parks and recreation director in determining what recreational facilities and programs are most appropriate to meet the needs of the communities served. This board generally meets quarterly on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM.

Currently serving on this board: Kenneth Forbes, Michael Guardino, Theresa Nadassy (Alternate), Benjamin Nazario, Joel VanHemel, Sheldon Voss.

PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD (P&Z) (next appointments are in April 2025)
The Planning and Zoning Board is comprised of five regular members and one alternate member for a one-year term. The members are appointed by the City Commission and given the responsibility for the city's comprehensive planning program, and as required by F.S. § 163.3174, shall be designated as the city's local planning agency. The planning and zoning board shall advise on all matters pertaining to land planning and plan implementation. The board shall have the power to conduct investigations, hold public hearings, take testimony, review documentary evidence, issue orders, and make recommendations to the city commission on all activities relating to land planning and plan implementation. This board generally meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM.

Currently serving on this board: Jeffrey Barker, Solomon Briks, Alex Escoriaza, Nancy Fry (Alternate), Colleen LaPlant, Jeffrey Light.

II. BOARDS NOT APPOINTED ANNUALLY (The number of board members varies by board/committee)

CIVIL SERVICE BOARD (next appointments are in April 2025)
The Civil Service Board is responsible for hearing employee appeals or grievances brought before the Civil Service Board. This board consists of five (5) members and two alternate members. The City Commission appoints two of the members and one alternate member, who must be an elector of the City. Members serve for a two (2) year term, and the board meets on an as-needed basis.

Currently serving on this board: Nik Anderson, Patricia Duaybes (Alternate), Valencia Massey, Melissa See (Alternate), Alene Smith, Nikki-Ann Thomson-Parkinson.

CHARTER REVIEW BOARD (next appointments are in January 2025)
The Charter Review Board is convened every five years and is comprised of five electors of the City, who are appointed by the City Commission and given the responsibility of reviewing the City’s Charter and submitting a report of findings to the City Commission within 120 days after appointment. The board meets on an as-needed basis, and the board and its members’ terms expire 120 days from appointment.

REDISTRICTING BOARD(next appointments are in 2026)
The Redistricting Board is comprised of five electors of the City, one from each district, who are appointed by the City Commission. The board, with the help of a Consultant, will review the City’s voting districts and report their findings, if any, to the City Commission within 120 days of appointment. The board will meet in August 2026 on an as-needed basis and the terms expire after 120 days from appointment.

View Board Agendas and Minutes

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